
Friday, 28 September 2012

Sharing object's

I am learning to share fraction's into group's.



Once Upon a time their was a boy that was named snake. He lived in
Tokyo and had no parents. Snake had to look for some food, but suddenly he saw a house. Snake could smell a lot of food there, but then he got snap by another person.

This person had fight with snake and they went mad on each other. “Thief” the other boy
said. They were smashing themselves into the food and wasting it. When they fighted until the master snapped them. after when it was the future time’s they became ninja’s that were a white colour and black.

In paris the white ninja storm  had a bomb to blow up the eiffel tower. They had to stop the bomb from exploding. There was an army that had robots to smash the other team.

Invader Chapter 8

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Invader Chapter 7

Mum was sitting on the stool with her legs tucked in. It was past dinner time so Nathan and Josh had to make the dinner well mum was still on the stool chair. They set the camcorder and hooked it on the tv. They saw on the tv the mouse running past the screen.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Improper fraction

I am learning to put improper fractions in mixed numbers.

Friday, 21 September 2012


the bigger the number he smaller fraction

Invader chapter 5

Mum asked Josh and Nathan to get the mouse so mum could give them five dollars.
Josh grabbed the broom and Nathan grabbed the bucket to catch the mouse. The mouse went into the rabbit’s hutch. Then it moved to the recycling bin. Mum was scarier than the mouse.

Mixed Factions.

This is how you work out twelve quarters.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Biggest Whale in Human History.

The whales were the largest animals in the sea. Dinosaur’s  have lived a long time then a whale. Whale’s a not fish because their mother’s do milk baby calf.

Whales weigh thirty meters tall. They were the same biggest as dinosaurs, but they die a long time ago. A whale can weigh up to 250 tonnes, that is the same as a barge!

Monday, 17 September 2012

Invader chapter 4

Mum asked Josh and Nathan to get the mouse so mum could give them five dollars.
Josh grabbed the broom and Nathan grabbed the bucket to catch the mouse. The mouse went into the rabbit’s hutch. Then it moved to the recycling bin. Mum was scarier than the mouse.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Cuting fractions

I learnt how to split fractions into equal parts.

My favourite character

My favourite Invader character

Orange Play dough

This morning Room Fourteen were Making eels out of play dough. Our teacher Miss Ouano told us to split them into equal parts. Miss Ouano told us to cut it in one halve, but they had to be exactly the same.

The play dough was weak because you could punch it. So then we had to make  another equal part. Yesterday when we went with our teacher, she told about making chocolate bars out of playdough and an story about person with chocolate bars.

In the end I liked making playdough in fraction parts.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Invader Chapter 3

Mum was telling josh to make breakfast and making loud noise to scare the
The mouse away. As soon as went off the bench and opened the cupboard she saw
their fat cat sleeping in their. When they had breakfast  Mum kept thumping until the mouse didn’t show it’s ugly face.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Tommy Wilson

In the morning Room 14 went to the hall to see Tommy Wilson and his friends. Mr Wilson told us a story about the princess  that died, and about his life. Tommy told us about when he lived with eleven kids. He also said Your gift that you want will come true.


I learnt to split pieces in to equal parts.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

PMI Chart Invader

Paralympic Gold medals

Cameron  leslie had to swim without one of his limbs missing. It was hard for him to defend the beijing gold medal. An athlete  like him was hard to swim without a limb.  

Gray and Laura Thompson tried to beat their qualifying record for track cycling. But they couldn’t. They still won two gold medals.

When the girls were riding on the track cycles their vision was impaired. So they couldn't see much.  

The New Zealander athletes are going good for the paralympics. I WISH YOU LUCK NEW ZEALAND!